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Development of Self Dermal Regeneration therapy Information on related hospitals

Issues with conventional treatment methods.

Over 20% of the global adult population has facial scars, with more than half of these being depressed scars, such as acne scars and trauma scars. These depressed scars cannot be effectively concealed with makeup. Traditional treatment methods, including botox, fillers and laser therapy have been officially recognized as insufficient for the fundamental treatment of depressed scars. This recognition was made by the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, the leading plastic surgery academic conference in Korea. Many patients have also experienced these limitations empirically. (In 2014, Dr. K at the School of Medicine, Korea University, officially announced at the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Conference that laser treatments have limited effectiveness for depressed scars.)

Development of Self Dermal Regeneration therapy.

In an effort to overcome these challenges, the researcher of JSDR initiated the
development of depressed scar treatment methods in 2007. Through numerous animal
experiments and iterative researches, the senior researcher, the specialist in plastic surgery, personally underwent procedures on their arms and face to observe and refine the effects.

The culmination of these efforts resulted in the successful development of Self Dermal Regeneration therapy in 2010.

The concept diagram of Self Dermal Regeneration therapy

The academic basis and patents for procedure
about Self Dermal Regeneration therapy

The reliability of this procedure is highlighted in the research paper authored by
senior researcher, which was featured in the world’s top3 aesthetic plastic surgery
journals(SCI), "Annals Of Plastic Surgery" (October 2010), and was even adopted as
the cover paper.(2013)

Moreover, within Korean academic community, this method has gained recognition
as a viable procedure by the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons'
Academic Evaluation Committee

Furthermore, the procedure itself has obtained a patent in the United States.

Clinical Validation of Self Dermal Regeneration Therapy

The effectiveness of this procedure has been clinically validated through over 10 years’ of practice by the developer, who is a specialist in plastic surgery.

Before and after scar surgery
Before and after wrinkle treatment

Automating of Self Dermal Regeneration therapyInformation on related hospitals

Development of a dedicated automated device for Self Dermal Regeneration Therapy

The research aimed at maximizing the effects of Self Dermal Regeneration Therapy and ensuring long-lasting effects has led to the development of dedicated automated devices for the widespread application of this procedure. These include the 'JUVGEN-A(body)' device, essential consumables such as 'JUVGEN-I(syringe),' and the 'JUVGEN-H(kit).

The automated Self Dermal Regeneration Therapy system, named "JUVGEN“

First, it is the world’s first pioneered device using the dual-chamber syringe
Second, it has obtained 17 domestic and international patents in many countries such as the United States, Japan, China, and Korea.
Third, it has achieved consistent effectiveness of procedures through the automation of Self Dermal Regeneration therapy

The distinctive features of JUVGEN

An innovative medical device that enables any physician to perform the procedure easily.

Innovation gases and liquids in single syringe

Inject gases and liquids at once using
a dual-chamber syringe

Repeated injection of two different solutions
alternately into the same area

Precision Periodic injection of minute amounts

Adjustable in 0.001cc units for the amount
of injected solution

Various procedures are possible, ranging from
deep wrinkles to depressed scars

Stability Uniform results through
'automation technology.'

Setting the injection dosage and automatic
injection by the app on monitor

Any doctor can perform
the procedure easily